Monday, February 14, 2011

Francisco Gonzalez Rodriguez CEO,BBVA

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Francisco Gonzalez Rodriguez CEO,BBVA:
FORMER COMPUTER programmer and stockbroker Gonnzalez is now a leading figure in sapnish banking between 1996 and 1999, he was head of the Argentaria group, where he led  the successful privatization of the formely government-owned group. As CEO of the newly merged Banco Bibao Vizcaya Argentaria (BBVA), Gonzalez stabilized the troubled comapny, brought in transparency and ethical standards, embraced new technology, and expanded into Latin America. BBVA is now one of the largest banking grups in Spain.

Born in chantada, Spain in 1944 Gonzalez obtained a degree in economics from Madrid's Complutense University.

Austere, technologically savvy, and a workhokic, Gonzalez belives in delegating.

Key strength:
Integrity. Without It, GonZalez would have been hard pressed to withstand the BBVA's banking scandal in 2000.

Best decision:
Expanding into Latin America, giving BBVA a total of more than 28million customers and a foothold in the lucrative US Hispanic market.

From computer to banking:
Gonzalez first worked in computing but left for a career in stockbroking. He started his own company. FG Inversiones Bursatiles, in the late 1980s, building it into one of spain's largest independent brokerages. In 1996, he sold it to Merrill Lynch for $30 million and moved into banking, as chairman of Argentaria, a company in its final privatization phase, and it was Gonzalez's job to get itinto shape before the sale took place. He restructed management, cut jobs, refinanced assets, and the group was privatized in 1999.

Restoring confidence:
After the 1999 merger of Argentaria with Banco Bibao Vizcaya, Gonzalez became co-CEO of BBVA. Within a year, he faced one of the biggest crises of his career, when details of BBV's illicit activities, including money laundering, slush funds, and bribery, came to light. Gonzalez was not implicated, but he was ledt to deal with one of Europe's Biggest scandals, which he did swiftly closing secret accounts, Paying taxes on the funds, and reporting all financial dealings to the Bank of Spain. Co-CEO EMilio Ybarra was among many executives forced to resign, public confidence, GOnzalez overhauled the group's governance, appointing newcomers to friendships. He led BBVA's expansions in Latin America, and the franchise today has operations into the US with the aim of wooing the Hispanic market, a shrewd diversification which has helped exposure to the sub-prime debacle, and allowing the company to grow in relative safety.

Lessons in business: taking advantage of new technology:
Gonzalez built on his experience in the computer industry to introduce new services in banking based on the latest technology, He saw the internet,electronic payment systems, and mobile phones as a means to cut costs and free up time, improving the efficiency of the bank.

 * Use new technology to increase efficiency and to enhance knowledge of your customers.
 * Don't be put off by new technology-What's daunting now will, in a very short time, be commonplace.
 * Innovative technology is not optional. Your business rivals will be adopting it, So don't Get left behind.

Proverb from him:
 "The thing is having a good team. I don't believe in the chairman having to do everything. I prefer people to think for themselves"
 Francisco Gonzalez Rodriguez

Chairman & CEO of "APPLE" Steve Jobs

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Chairman & CEO of "APPLE"

THE ARCHETYPAL, business maverick, jobs is the face of apple, the creative force behind its success and a formidable team builder. He is chairman, CEO, and co-founder (with steve wozniak in 1976) of the company, founder of pixar animation studio, and, since pixar's sale to Disney, Disney's largest individual shareholder with an important foothold in hollywood. Jobs can claim joint authorship of three of the most significant technologies of the past three decades: the personal computer, the Graphical User Interface, and digital music.

Born in 1955 in San Francisco, Jobs is the adopted son of paul and clara jobs. His biological parents were Joanne carole schieble and abdulfattah jandali,the latter a graduate student from syria who became a political science professor Jobs failed to graduate  from his literature poetry and physics course at oregon's feed college.

Visionary, creative and entrepreneurial. Some say an autocratic micro manager. He can be charming and engaging but some have complained about his indelicate language.

He has an instinctive understanding not only of where technology is going but also what makes people want to buy it

Developing both the software and hardware elements in the ipod/itunes combination.

One of the keys to Jobs' enduring success has been his skill in hiring the best team and firing them up. As a young Apple chairman Jobs boldly stole the then-president of Pepsico, John Sculley to be his chief executive. Yet Jobs' autocratic style has also caused him problems. Fed up with his unwillingness to be a team player, in !985the otherApple directors kicked him out. Aged 30,Jobs was out of a job

Using the proceeds from the sale of his Apple stocks, Jobs soon broadened the scope of his business interests with an adroit acquisition purchasing the computer graphics division of Lucasfilms (later Pixar) which gave him a key future foothold in entertainment content. He returned to lead an ailing Apple in 1997. In the next decade the company's share price rose 36-fold, thanks largely to the  success of the iPod and to MacBook Air,Apple products ooze desirability and continue to define geek cjic. Colleagues Describe Jobs as brilliant and a great motivator, but he pushes his team to their limits, and some employees have quit shortly after finishing a product. Jobs' vision and relentless eye for detail have given Apple the kind of brand power other CEOs dream of. He has an unerring ability to create instantly desirable, "Must-have" products. He satrts asking his team 'What can we produce the dream. Products that fail to excite Jobs himself are dropped or started again from scratch. Apple's strategy focuses on vert few products, but these few have become irresistible bestsellers.

Job's drive, Passion and creative imagination permeate the work environment at Apple, and alow himto devolve work to this team. His biographer Leander Kahney has called phenomenon the "routinization" of charisma. Think of it as branding the team with your own values.

 * Brand yourself within-and outside of the company, and articulate your value to others.
 * Do what you love and integrate your passions with your right job tasks.
 * Identify supporters and create a network of relationships that support your personal brand.

Steve understands Desire
Alan Kay, Gul pioneer and former fellow, Apple advanced Technology Group

3M CEO William Mcknight

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''PRESIDENT AND CHAIRMAN OF 3M "William Mcknight''

THE MINNESOTA Mining and manufacturing company was a struggling
young enterprise on the verge of bankruptcy when McKnight became general
manager in 1914.By the time he retired as chairman in 1966, 3M was a vast
conglomerate with the operations all over the world and products that were familiar
household names to hundreds of millions of consumers. At the heart of this
growth was Mcknight talent for encouraging innovation, the influence of
which can be seen in modern management practice

1887-1978. Born in white,south dakota.His parents owned a farm claimed under the homestead Act, Which  encouraged the settlement of undeveloped land. He attended Duluth Business university in Minnesota

Leadership style:
Softly spoken but also direct and efiicient. Mcknight provided strong encouragement and motivation to his employees through to his delegating style.

Key strength:
Giving his people free rein to develop their creativity

Best decision:
Setting up a small laboratory in 1916, ensuring that 3M's future was guided by science

The edge of bankruptcy:
Mcknight joined the business that later became know as 3M as an assitant bookkeeper in 1907, when
the company founded only five years earlier,
was struggling to recover from a series of initial blunders that nearly sank it. These errors,including misidentifying a crucial mineral
deposit looked likey to make the enterprise a short lived one but
Mcknight's ability turned 3M around and put it on the path to growth.

Freedom to Innovate:
Mcknight quickly recognized that making mistakes was an intrinsic part of innovation and that innovateion was the key to success.Putting this insight into practice he made research the heart of 3M's activities, establishing a laboratory. The research and development approach created breakthrough product after breakthrough product many of which have remained in use ever since among them waterproof sandpaper, masking tape,cellophane tape,scotchgard, reflective sheets for highway markings and post it notes. Mcknight also understood that invention required a looser approach to managemnet that alowed  people delegating and allowing employees a far greater time. He allowed his engineers to spend 15 percent of thier time on projects of their own, stimulating creativity. McKnight formulated a series of pioneering management principles based around the importance of delegation made they will be less damaging than the mistakes management wil make in telling everyone what to do

Lessons in business Encouraging Autonomy:
Rather than treating them as tools to transmit your directions trust your people and give them the room to exercise their creativity even if it means they make mistakes that you could have avoided]
* Record successes and mistakes and make this information accessible to everyone.That way the organization learns from its mistakes.
* Encourage people to look at potential risks, estimating the impact and probability of the risk occuring
* People are your greatest asset. Make sure that how you look after your people is consistent with your words.

 "If you put fences around people, you get sheep."
         -William Mcknight

Friday, February 11, 2011

Sonalworld Forex

      1. The Forex is an foreign currency market.
      2. It working time are 24hours a day except on weekends.
      3. The forex markets are Currencies,Funds,Stocks,Options and Futures.
      4. The forex is so easy to understand that how to trade in the market.
      5. Its very slippery market and its good for those person who trade daily.
      6. You can tell also a part time money and knowledge earning about market job.

Major Role In The Forex Market:-
           The major and important roles in The Forex Market are
           3.Investors and Speculators
           4.Commercial,Investment and Central Banks

         Consumers are Customers whether they are tourists or they from other countries or other state.
         Consumers should need to change their currency to purchase any local things.
         Participants doesnt have power to set the price of market value.
         Participants can only buy and sell Stocks or currencies by the market rate.

        Businessess persons need to change their currency to make payment of them clients from other countries.

Investors and Speculators:-
        Investors and Speculators need currency to buy and sell the documents like Shares,insurance,mortgage,bonds etc..

    Commercial and Investment bank are makes the Prices.
    These banks are buy and sell the currencies to the forigen banks.
    Central banks get participate in foreign exchange not for money but for government policies and value of economy currency.
                  Its open 24hours aday except on weekends.
                  In The Forex is there is an Demo accounts in which you can practice.
                  In The Forex market are stocks,Futures,Currencies.
                  In Forex there is an mini account and Standard account.
                  Its very slippery market which good for daily traders.
                  We can trade at any timeAnd its best way to earn money.
                Forex is so smooth financial market in this world.
                The Forex trade 1.9 billion dollars a day.
                Forex have over 200 commodity.
                Its very good and attraction market.
                To enter in the market requires knowledge and Patience.
                In The Forex market you can enter with the small amount 300$.
                Forex Commodities and US stock market trades around 640 billion dollars a day.